What is LHC and How Does It Work?
The LHC – Large Hadron Collider. It is the world's largest and fastest particle accelerator to study the behavior of nuclear particles. LHC was constructed by the European Organization but parts of the LHC were manufactured in several
What is a capacitor?
A capacitor is a component that can store electric energy in the form of electronic charge. The form of practical capacitors varies widely, but in all of them, internal structures and working concepts remain the same. In a
What is Global Warming?
Global Warming is a phenomenon that describes the long-term effect of pollution on the environment. Most of us know about it but least of us are concerned about it. It is very frequent to hear someone complaining about a hot day or extreme cold weather or a freak storm
What are the strong metals on Earth?
Metal is an important material in today’s fast-growing world. They are getting used in various sectors rigorously like Building construction, Ornaments, Clothing, Road and Highways construction, Farming, and many more. Every metal has its own unique properties. Some of them have good tensile strength where other has good yield
Speed of Light – Can We Get More Speed?
In our childhood, we have seen many superheroes that were moving faster than bullets. We could even picture them multiple times with amazing expressions. If our superhero traveled at
Hybrid Electric Vehicles – Different kinds of EVs!
At present entire world is moving towards clean and green earth. In this path, the automobile sector made a powerful impact on pollution-free transportation by making electric vehicles. These
How does DNA Carries Information?
The Discovery of DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid) changes the world because human beings found a key to knowing their past more accurately. Most of us know that American biologist James Watson and English physicist Francis
Graphene: Innovation to Change World Architecture
In the modern industrialization era, human society needs strong and powerful constructions to keep moving toward development and growth. In the early days of industrialization Iron was very popular