Mental health

It is something that looks not relevant in the short term but its long-term importance is very important. Whether we like it or not most of us barely put down our digital devices in our free time. Some of us are not getting tired of this even when we are with our family and friends. Our concern is not how long we are using screens or social media content; it is how we are using them and what is happening in our brains in response.

The growing brain is constantly building neural connections while pruning away less-used ones and digital media plays a crucial role in this process. Study finds that digital media “impoverished” stimulation of the developing brain compared to reality. For a developing brain digital media or screen time needs to be very little or none because a wandering mind is a good place for creativity. Let’s explore it in more detail.

Theory of scientific studies:

Research conducted at Harvard Medical School Teaching Hospital shows that digital screens or light-emitting e-readers adversely impact our sleep if we are using them before bedtime. As per this study body’s natural circadian rhythms were interrupted by the blue rays or short wavelength lights. Because of this people are taking longer time to fall asleep and reduced upcoming morning alertness.

As per several neuroscience studies, digital exposure either in the form of social media or any light-emitting screen impacts brain structure and its function as well. Many cases have revealed long-time exposure to the digital world causes hormonal change that affects executive functions like impulse control, decision-making, and emotional balance. From form mental health perspective, structural impact on the brain became a reason for unstable mental and emotional behaviors like anxiety, depression, and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). This occurs as the technology shrinks the brain center, which is responsible for regulating these responses.

The major effect of Digital media on Neuroplasticity:

We have found that digital screen impacts our brains but how? Let’s get into this. First of all, we need to define the term “Neuroplasticity”. Neuroplasticity is the nervous system or brain’s ability to change and adapt due to experience. It is a common term that refers brain’s changing ability or growth of neural networks. This also includes functional and structural changes in the brain due to damage and learning respectively.

In the initial years after birth, a child’s brain development is rapid. At the time of birth, every neuron in the cerebral cortex has an estimated 2500 synapses (small gaps between neurons) where nerve impulses are relayed. At the age of 3, these numbers became 15000 synapses /neuron. As growing up, this number is getting reduced. An average adult has half of that number of synapses because as we gain new experiences, some of the connections are getting strong and others are eliminated. By developing new connections and removing away weak ones, the brain can adapt to a changing environment. This means adolescents are very vulnerable in the brain development process. Digital

How to fix it:

To overcome this problem we have to adopt some healthy habits. Regular exercise, a balanced diet and brain nourishing foods, and mindfulness practices – such as meditation and deep breathing help to maintain the brain in a healthy condition.

Despite this, unplug yourself from digital devices. Spend time in the natural environment. Engage yourself in some physical workout or creative stuff. We know it’s not easy but a try must worth it.

Thanks for reading. See you soon with another exploration.

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